
Treatment for Painful Knee Inflammation

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Treatment for Painful Knee Inflammation

When I was a teenager, I became addicted to aerobics. At this time, I typically completed a high impact aerobics workout four to five times per week. Exercising helped me stay slim. Unfortunately, my aerobics sessions quickly affected my knees. One of my knees started swelling uncontrollably. The swelling was caused from a tear in my meniscus. After surgery, I underwent extensive physical therapy to strengthen my injured knee. Sadly, the swelling continued to persist. Due to my painful condition, I started researching ways to treat inflammation. On this blog, I hope you will discover easy, effective ways to ease knee inflammation.

Core Exercises That Help To Keep Your Spine From Slipping Out Of Place

If you regularly see your chiropractor for spinal adjustments, then you likely have a weak spine with vertebrae that slip out of place. This is a chronic issue for some that is called retrolisthesis if the vertebrae slip backwards, and anterolisthesis if the bones slip forward. Typically, the small gaps between the spinal vertebrae allow them to shift out of place. There are many different things that can cause the bones across the spine to misalign, like the lifting of heavy objects or an arthritis condition. Regardless of the cause, spinal adjustments can help to force the bones into their correct position. There are some things that you can do at home to make sure that your vertebrae do not slip out of place shortly after your chiropractic appointment. Strengthening your core muscles is one of these things. Keep reading to learn how core exercises can help you and how they should be completed. 

Core Muscles And The Spine

Your spine will sustain a great deal of stress and pressure since the bony column is meant to support all of your body weight plus the weight that you lift or hold. The spine also allows for movements in all directions, and it absorbs shock when your muscles and limbs move. The spine must move freely and retain its flexibility to ensure that you are able to move. However, this does not mean that the spine does not need support. Support is provided by the muscles that line the body, and a great deal of the support is provided by the core muscles.

The core muscles are the tissues that make up the middle or trunk part of your body and provide stabilization. The abdominal, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and the lower muscles across the back make up the majority of the core muscles. To support your back, you should work to strengthen your core. There are a wide variety of exercises that are considered core strengthening. However, you want to choose activities that place very little pressure on the spine. This will allow you to build strength without possibly causing your spine to misalign.

Core Exercises To Complete

Most low-stress core strengthening exercises can be completed at home without any type of expensive equipment. You may want to purchase a few free weights though to use for resistance training as your muscles start to build and grow across your body. Some of the exercises to start your core building routine include:

Modified Planks - Plank exercises are completed to work all of the muscles in the abdominal region. If you do not have a great deal of muscle strength though, then the exercises can cause muscle strain and inflammation. This can force pressure against your spinal column. To avoid this, start by completing some modified planks. Lie on your stomach, lift up your upper body, and place your forearms flat on the floor. Bend your toes up towards your body so the tips sit flat on the ground. Bend your knees gently and let them make contact with the floor. Hold this position for a count of 10 or 15. Let your body fall back to the floor and take the plank position after resting for about 10 seconds. Do this 10 times.

Bent Knee Crunches - Full sit-ups are great for working your core muscles. Unfortunately, sit-ups place a great deal of stress on the back as you lift, bend forward, and then fall back on the floor. To reduce the stress, complete basic crunches instead. Lie on the floor and place the palms of your hands behind your head. Pull your legs up and gently bend your knees. Keep your eyes focused on the ceiling and use your stomach to lift your head, shoulders, and chest towards your knees. Do not lift your lower back up off the floor. Complete 50 to 100 crunches a day. Start with 50 and add 10 crunches each day until you reach 100 crunches. 

Superman - Back strengthening is just as important as abdominal activities, and superman exercises help to increase back strength. Complete the superman by lying on your stomach with your arms straight out in front of you. Lift your arms and legs about one inch off the floor and hold them in place. Hold this position for about 15 seconds. Let your limbs drop to the floor afterwards and rest for about 10 seconds. Complete the exercise 10 to 15 times. 

For more advice on how to care for your spine after a chiropractic adjustment, talk to your chiropractor.