
Treatment for Painful Knee Inflammation

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Treatment for Painful Knee Inflammation

When I was a teenager, I became addicted to aerobics. At this time, I typically completed a high impact aerobics workout four to five times per week. Exercising helped me stay slim. Unfortunately, my aerobics sessions quickly affected my knees. One of my knees started swelling uncontrollably. The swelling was caused from a tear in my meniscus. After surgery, I underwent extensive physical therapy to strengthen my injured knee. Sadly, the swelling continued to persist. Due to my painful condition, I started researching ways to treat inflammation. On this blog, I hope you will discover easy, effective ways to ease knee inflammation.

Signs Your Child Should Be Evaluated For ADHD

ADHD can interfere with your child's ability to learn, form social bonds, and enjoy recreational activities. The good news is that today, there are plenty of treatments, including various medications, therapies, and teaching approaches. But in order for your child to gain the benefits of these treatments, they first need to be evaluated for ADHD to see if this truly is something they are dealing with. So what are the signs your child should be evaluated for ADHD?

Your child struggles to pay attention for more than a few seconds at a time.

Does your child seem to struggle to focus on one specific task for more than a few seconds or a minute? Maybe they start off listening to you, but quickly drift off and turn their attention elsewhere. Or maybe they play with a certain toy for a brief moment, before moving on to a new toy, and another one, and another one. A lack of attention is one of the hallmark signs of ADHD and a definite sign your child should be evaluated. 

Your child does not seem to follow instructions.

In some children, the lack of attention is most obvious in their failure to follow instructions. They might follow the first step or maybe the first two steps, but nothing beyond that. By the time a child is four or five, they should be able to follow sets of four or five basic instructions, and not being able to do this could be a sign of ADHD.

Your child fidgets, squirms, or outright refuses to sit still.

Does your child seem like they constantly need to have some part of their body in motion? Maybe they are always fiddling with their hands if you make them sit, or perhaps they refuse to even sit, getting up and running around after a minute or less. This could be the hyperactivity symptom of ADHD coming through.

Your child interrupts a lot.

Some children simply need to learn that interrupting is not polite. But if you have tried to teach your child this and have made little progress — they are still butting into conversations and games — it could be because of ADHD. It's best to have them evaluated so you know whether you're dealing with a difference in cognition or simply rudeness.

If you have any suspicion that your child is dealing with ADHD, make plans to have them evaluated. The earlier they are diagnosed and can begin treatment, the better.

For more information about getting an ADHD evaluation, talk to your doctor.